With Vendrix, you have the ability to assign specific limits to different merchant categories (like fuel pumps only).
Make sure the Cardholder's Card is Active. If it is not, then Activate or Un-Freeze (Thaw) the Card before moving on.
Go to the Cards page.
To add a new category limit, click Assign to Budget button at the top of the Cards page.
To continue adding a new category limit, on the Assign to Budget form, select the Cardholder, Category, and Budget limit. Then click Submit.
(NOTE: the Cardholder must be an Approver within the desired Budget. If not, you will need to edit that Budget to add them as an Approver.)
If the Cardholder already has a category limit, you will need to remove the category spend limit (Autobudget). Go to the Cards page and click on the Cardholder you would like to edit to expand the category limit details.
Click on the expanded line to open the Autobudget Detail form. Here, you can edit the Budget limit and click Update to save. To edit the Category, click Remove. You will then use the Assign to Budget button on the Cards page to add the desired category limit (Steps 3 and 4).