Let's add your team members into Vendrix and order cards.
Go to the People tab in the Vendrix Platform, select "Add People"
Provide the User’s Information
First Name
Last Name
Company Email
please let the Vendrix team know if this is not a company email address
Phone Number
the number they will receive purchasing message
Select Role & User Type
The roles are what we just created, these define that persons position in the company.
User Type refers to their power in the Vendrix app. This is typically an admin or user.
Order Vendrix Cards
When the user profile is created, select “order card” to issue a personalized Vendrix card.
Once you have added your people into your Vendrix account, click on their name and see their profile. In this dashboard, you can see user details, card details and recent user transactions.
Block User
This feature will allow a user will to no longer have access to Vendrix thus the card will not work
A Trick of the Trade
To active a card, select “Admin Hold”, refresh page, then select “Admin Unhold”. To complete activation, the user must log into their Vendrix account.
In an unfortunate situation that a card is lost or stolen, select this button and it will put the card on lock which means it cannot be used.